IBRA Advanced Course – Orbital, condylar and coronal approaches

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IBRA Advanced Course – Orbital, condylar and coronal approaches

februari 20 - februari 21

Target audience
Recommended for fellows and attending physicians/consultants.

Main specialty of the event
The course offers the basics in clinical diagnostics, treatment and follow-up. The focus is on state-of-the-art surgical techniques.

Educational needs
Based on expressed needs by participants of previous courses and events (evaluations), residents and physicians in training request and appreciate „hands-on“ workshops, explanations of experts, the exchange with a variety of faculty as discussions with peers about clinical cases.

Expected educational outcomes
Consolidate the knowledge of classifications and most useful approaches. increase the spectrum of skills dealing with standard surgeries. Learning tips and tricks in applying techniques and conducting operations.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Freudlsperger, Auckland, New Zealand
Prof. Dr. Aurélien Louvrier, Besançon, France

Scientific Committee:
Prof. Dr. Christophe Meyer, Besançon, France
Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Neff, Marburg, Germany

Faculty (in alphabetical order):
Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Freudlsperger, Auckland, New Zealand
Mr Tim Lloyd, London, United Kingdom
Prof. Dr. Aurélien Louvrier, Besançon, France
Prof. Dr. Christophe Meyer, Besançon, France
Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Neff, Marburg, Germany
Prof. Dr. Dr. Paolo Scolozzi, Geneva, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Dr. Aleš Vesnaver, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Claudio Darms, IBRA, Basel, Switzerland

Registration Fees

IBRA Full Member EUR 440
IBRA Basic- / Non Member EUR 880
Residents* EUR 580
*Letter of acknowledgement required upon registration




februari 20
februari 21
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IBRA Institute
Hochbergerstrasse 60E
Basel, 4057 Zwitserland
+ Google Maps
+41 (0)61 319 05 05
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